Investigations underway!!

The fourth day of camp was a very exciting one for all the campers. After beginning the day with a quick game of telephone, we took the campers to the lab. The campers spent their mornings refining their research questions and then making a research proposal. In their proposal, the campers had to include a research question, materials and procedure, and an explanation of why they want to perform their experiment and why it’s important. After presenting their research proposals to the class, we took the campers for lunch. 

After returning to the lab, the campers started their experiments. John and Haru spent some time with Dan making a set-up to test their question about whether flies can tell the difference between scented and unscented objects. Zuhayla took Yanni and Matthew to the library to set up pan traps by the flower beds. They will investigate what color flowers insects are attracted to. Finally, Taylor spent time with Maya and Olivia in the Shakespeare Garden in order to investigate if insects prefer certain flowers. The day ended with all the campers coming back together for some very fun (and also very messy) crafts. We are looking forward to tomorrow, when the campers will finish their experiments and present their results!


Reset Week!


Midoint of Camp!!